Do you Want to Try Rugby? Tips for Rugby League Beginners

 Are you planning to try
Rugby for the first time? If so, keep on reading to get some expert
tips for rugby league. We will
give you beginner-friendly tips for rugby league that professional players
also prefer to follow.


Rugby League

Protective Equipment

Rugby is a physically
challenging game. Every player tries their level best to catch the ball and get
some scores for their team. As a result, you will face lots of big guys. You should wear protection to protect your mouth, head, and other sensitive areas.
There are sets of headgear and mouthguards. Don’t forget to wear them and go to
a real rugby game.


Kicking Practice

You can’t kick the rugby
ball like a football. You need to practice kicking regularly. The rugby ball is
oval-shaped. You have to hold it properly and then target your position. After
that, go for a big kick. But you need to be careful. If you make any mistake,
the ball will be gone to your opponent’s player.

 Read More: What are The Basic Rules of Rugby?

Catching practice

If you want to play
Rugby, you must find your mate to practice catching. You cannot miss any ball.
Rugby is more like a hand play game. Therefore, you must know how to catch a
rugby ball as it spins while your teammates throw it. It would be challenging
for you. Catching practice will make it easier for you.


Physical Strength

You have to be
physically fit. You need to have enough strength and other essential skills,
including running, tackling, and many more. You should practice running and
other physical exercises regularly. Muscle building can also help you to a
great extent.


Commit to The Tackle

Tackling is a must-have
skill for Rugby. You can only be a good rugby player if you know the right
tactics for tackling. You will face big guys in the match. You need to tackle
them every time they attack. You need to commit to the tackle. If you don’t
find any confidence, there is a chance to injure yourself. It’s the most challenging
part of Rugby. You need to learn this skill through regular practice.


Choose The Right Position

There are 15 different
positions in Rugby. We have talked about it in our article. You can check it
out. However, these positions are different from one another. You need to find
your comfort zone. If you like attacking, you may go for the forward position.
If you think you’re the best defender, go for the full-back position. Before
choosing the correct position, make sure you know about your strength. It will
help you to find the ideal one for you.

 Related: History of Rugby: When Was The Sport Invented?

Play Other Forms of The Game

A real rugby league is a
place for showing your strength and skills. You might find it an extreme
challenge to participate there. In that case, you can practice the lighter
version of Rugby, namely Tag Rugby, Touch Football, and Eagletag. They will
help you to get the confidence and learn the skills.


Final Thoughts

As a beginner, you must
follow the given tips to start your rugby career. They will help you in every
possible way. Tips for rugby league are the essential things you must know
before trying a rugby match. If needed, give it a second read.

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A technopreneur enjoys writing in his spare time. He is currently a regular writer on this blog about tech topics. He is passionate about blogging and loves to travel.

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