There are many places you would be able to host the website. With various service levels and price ranges, an individual finds it hard to get a perfect website to host on the cloud. Many different services might distract you if you don’t know the proper paths. Therefore, you should seek the best service providers easily available in today’s market.
Microsoft Azure will provide a simple solution for hosting your application and websites. Similar to Amazon AWS, it is a prominent name that allows many business groups to scale their different sites. In this Azure web hosting review, service offers will be pinpointed. You will understand what the reasons for thinking about it are. Let’s see!
What Is Azure Web Hosting
Microsoft Azure web hosting is a wonderful tool. It allows your businesses to conduct storage accounts and cloud computing with greater accuracy. The performance is easier than anything you used before to host. Also, you will be able to manage databases, virtual machines, and more facilities. Just need to apply multiple locations and subscriptions.
A powerful platform will make it smooth to handle all kinds of resources. You can create suitable templates for streamlining your work. This web hosting is allowed to scale sites and groups independently with a subscription. The user can build the website without wasting money to upgrade anything beyond their need.
Reasons For Moving To Web Hosting With Azure
1. Flexibility
The big benefit of using Azure is fabulous flexibility in the provided service. In addition, you can spin up the latest services. Geometrically scale the storage capabilities of your data as much as you need. You can deploy any new systems of services. However, the user has to pay for new hardware and operating systems.
2. Cost
Azure web hosting will save your money on unnecessary site upgrades. Also, they can save standard costs which are associated with operating any hosting service. Usually, anyone needs load balancers, routers, and physical services. This will cost a lot. To keep these systems functioning, you must pay for other expertise. While investing a little, you will get all the advantages of Azure.
3. Applications
New apps need to be created quickly when the user manages web hosting. You have to solve critical problems. Sometimes, the solution is to design another new website application. These traditional hosting sites come with annoying applications. Microsoft has a worldwide distribution network. It makes Azure deliver their best. Microsoft also gives significant discounts on licensing to migrate existing apps.
4. Disaster Recovery
Microsoft Azure web hosting will provide you with geographically decentralized infrastructure. With a top speed, data is shared across many servers in various locations. It protects your information. If any disaster occurs, recovery periods will be quite a few days to weeks. Sometimes, this might be a few minutes to hours, according to your location. So, hosting here is very easy to recover in case of a disaster.
5. Security
Around the world, the security risk is very common. With other hosting companies, there is a potential risk. However, you do not have to worry about security risks with Azure. When you work with them, you will get confidence that your data is in protected hands. Azure security core system embraces the new standards for international cloud privacy.
6. Scalability
Another best thing about web hosting Microsoft Azure is their scalability. Even the government of the U.S. uses it. Although the site is accessible to anyone of small business groups. They might work with two or three employees. The user does not need more coding to operate Azure. Certainly, you will get enormous scalability.
The Types Of Web Hosting On Azure
1. Static Website Hosting
Currently, Azure offers two main types of web hosting. From their platform, one is static web hosting. While taking a deeper look, you must spend around 0.5 USD to 2 USD monthly to host. This website requires storage and bandwidth only. It is a clear indication of getting away easily with little charges.
2. Dynamic Website Hosting
Another website to host, a dynamic one, needs additional resources. The pricing is higher than static web hosting. Any other website which runs this type of content would require code from the server side. From the very beginning, you can use the dynamic premium version. The offer costs you about 50 USD or more per month.
Service Plans & Different Pricing
Apart from the free options available, Azure provides more offers to host your website. The free plan presents ten websites, a disk space with 1G, and API or mobile apps. The basic service plan comes with a perfect option for websites or apps with minimal traffic. But, it will not be able to support an auto-scale.
Nevertheless, it can provide all the basic features of traffic management. The price depends on the requirements of your resources. On the contrary, a premium service plan is indicated for websites and apps that need super-notch service. Lastly, the Isolated plan is perfectly suited for those websites and apps that get huge visitors or viewers every month.
There are many services you must require to run any website. Azure will provide other services. For example, they can get a domain pricing of 11.99 USD per year. It has powerful features like privacy protection. Aside from that, SSL certification can be obtained for 69.99 USD per year. Costing 299.99 USD annually, a Wildcard SSL certificate is also available.
Microsoft has a global distribution network. Their Azure web hosting will grow your company site. It is very simple to get the full advantage and benefits of hosting the website. They come with a highly secure system and a quicker data recovery method. We have figured out super service plans and different pricing ranges.
Hopefully, you have enjoyed this informative post. Indeed, no other option would be better than Microsoft Azure in today’s hosting platforms. Happy webbing!